Tuesday, February 4th
10:00 am
Quilting for Beginners: Quilting 101
1:00 pm
Redwood Tote
Thursday, February 6th
10:00 am
Sit N Sew
Tuesday, February 11th
10:00 am
Quilting for Beginners: Quilting 101
Thursday, February 13th
10:00 am
Sit N Sew
Friday, February 14th
10:00 am
Paradise Morning: Paradise Block of the Month
2:00 pm
Paradise Afternoon: Paradise Block of the Month
Tuesday, February 18th
10:00 am
Quilting for Beginners: Quilting 101
1:00 pm
Redwood Tote
Wednesday, February 19th
2:00 pm
Jelly Roll Rug
Thursday, February 20th
10:00 am
Sit N Sew
Tuesday, February 25th
10:00 am
Quilting for Beginners: Quilting 101
Wednesday, February 26th
2:00 pm
Jelly Roll Rug
Thursday, February 27th
10:00 am
Sit N Sew